OwnID Elite provides a powerful and flexible framework for integrating and customizing authentication processes within your applications. By leveraging Providers and Events, developers can implement or override specific aspects of the authentication flow, tailoring the user experience to meet the unique needs of their applications.

  • Providers: These manage critical components such as session handling and authentication mechanisms, including traditional password-based sign-ins. They allow developers to define how users are authenticated, how sessions are maintained, and how accounts are managed within the application.
  • Events: These handle specific actions and responses within the authentication flow. They allow developers to customize behaviors when certain events occur, such as when the authentication process finishes, when an error is encountered, or when the flow detects a new user and prompts for registration.
All Events and Provider handlers are optional!



The Session Provider is responsible for creating and managing user sessions. In this implementation, use the create method to create a user session utilizing the data.token returned from your backend, and return a status indicating whether the session creation was successful or not.

const providers = {
  session: {
    create: async (data: any) => {
      try {
        // implement your own method to set a session in the frontend
        await this.authService.onLogin(data.token);
        return { status: 'logged-in' };
      } catch (error) {
        return { status: 'fail', reason: 'Failed to create session' };

window.ownid('start', { providers });


Use Authentication to implement your own password login handler
Password Authentication Experience Figure 1. Password Authentication Experience (example)

The Auth Provider manages authentication mechanisms, such as password authentication. In this example, the authenticate method validates the user’s credentials, and the reset method handles password reset requests.

const providers = {
  auth: {
    password: {
      authenticate: async (params: any) => {
        try {
          // call your own password login method
          await this.authService.login({ email: params.loginId, password: params.password });
          return { status: 'logged-in' };
        } catch {
          return { status: 'fail', reason: 'Please enter a valid password' };
      reset: () => ({ action: 'redirect', url: '../reset-password' }),

window.ownid('start', { providers });


  • authenticate: This method attempts to log in the user using the provided loginId and password. If successful, it returns status: ‘logged-in’. If authentication fails, it returns status: ‘fail’ with a reason such as “Please enter a valid password.”
  • reset: This method handles the reset of user passwords. In this example, it redirects the user to a specific URL where they can manage password recovery.



The onFinish event is triggered when the authentication flow is successfully completed. This event allows you to define actions that should be taken once the user is authenticated, such as redirecting the user to a specific page.

const events = {
  onFinish: async () => ({ action: 'redirect', url: "/my-account" }),

window.ownid('start', { events });


Use onAccountNotFound to use your own registration flows

The onAccountNotFound event is triggered when the provided account details do not match any existing accounts. This event allows you to handle scenarios where a user needs to be registered or redirected to a registration page.

const events = {
  onAccountNotFound: async (params) => {
    //params.loginId contains the user email, in case you want to use it
    return { action: 'redirect', url: "/create-account" };

window.ownid('start', { events });


The onClose event is triggered when the authentication flow is closed, either by user action or automatically. This event allows developers to define what should happen when the authentication flow is interrupted or completed without a successful login.

const events = {
  onClose: async () => {
    return { action: 'refresh' }; // Refresh the current page

window.ownid('start', { events });


The onError event is triggered when an error occurs during the authentication flow. This event allows developers to handle errors gracefully, such as by logging them or displaying error messages to the user.

const events = {
  onError: async (error: any) => {
    // Additional error handling logic can be implemented here

window.ownid('start', { events });

Complete Code Example

    const providers = {
      session: {
        create: async (data: any) => {
          try {
            await this.authService.onLogin(data);

            return { status: 'logged-in' };
          } catch (error) {
            return { status: 'fail', reason: 'Failed to create session' };
      auth: {
        password: {
          authenticate: async (params: any) => {
            try {
              await this.authService.login({ email: params.loginId, password: params.password });

              return { status: 'logged-in' };
            } catch {
              return { status: 'fail', reason: 'Please enter a valid password' };
          reset: () => ({ action: 'redirect', url: '../reset-password' }),
    const events = {
      onFinish: async () => ({ action: 'redirect', url: pathArr.join('/') }),
      onAccountNotFound: async () => {
          return { action: 'redirect', url: pathArr.join('/') };

    window.ownid('start', { providers, events });

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