This guide walks you through the steps to set up Google Sign-In as an identity provider within the OwnID platform, offering a secure and frictionless login experience.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

Step 1 - Create a Google OAuth Client ID

  1. Go to Google Cloud Console and select your project (create one if needed).

  2. Go to Branding page, make sure all of the information is complete and accurate.

  3. Go to Clients page and create a new client:

    • Select Application Type Web application.
    • Give it a meaningful name.
    • Leave Authorized JavaScript origins empty.
    • In the Authorized redirect URIs, enter your custom domain, followed by the path /oidc/callback, so for example If a custom domain was not configured yet, you can enter
    • Click Create.
    • Save the created Client ID and Client Secret values, you will use them later in this guide.

Optional: Native Apps Integration

If you’re building a native Android or iOS app, you’ll need to create additional clients:

  • iOS - Create a separate OAuth 2.0 Client ID with Application type set to iOS and specify your app’s bundle ID and team ID.
  • Android - Create a separate OAuth 2.0 Client ID with Application type set to Android in the Google Cloud Console. Provide your app’s package name and SHA-1 fingerprint.

Step 2 - Configure Google Credentials in OwnID

Go to the OwnID console, Authentication > Social Providers:

  • Toggle on Google Sign in.

By default, OwnID testing credentials are provided, but they are strictly for development use only. Follow this tutorial to configure your own Google credentials for production.
  • Click configure and enter the following values in the modal:

    • Client ID - enter the value from Web application client.
    • Client Secret - enter the value from Web application client.
    • iOS - Client Secret - enter the value from Android client. (optional)
    • Android - Client Secret - enter the value from iOS client. (optional)
  • Save your configurations.